Join these weekly classes and discover fun, standing and seated exercise to music which is low impact and gentle on the joints. First class is free! £6 per class thereafter, buy six and get one free using our loyalty card system!


Wednesday, Colby Methodist Hall, 9:30-10:15

Wednesday, The Pilates Studio, Peel, 11:00-11:45










All new clients should complete a pre fitness medical screen before attending. Download here:

Pre-Fitness Medical Screen







Wobble: Chair Based Exercise, incorporating LaterLife Training.

This is a seated exercise class to music and follows the principles of Pilates and is gentle on the joints, weight bearing and low impact. It uses flex bands and light weights to improve flexibility, balance, co-ordination, strength and stamina.

Thursday, The Pilates Studio, Peel, 9:30-10:15, £6 per class. Buy six and get one free using our loyalty card system!